Wine Tours in Florida by Limo

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Wine Tours in Florida by Limo

July 3, 2017 / 0 Comments / 1183 /
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Florida – the Sunshine State. Those hours of sunshine mean we’re fortunate enough to have some great vineyards producing some seriously delectable wine. The temptation to visit them, to try the wines where the grapes grow, is understandably enticing. Like eating freshly-caught salmon in Alaska, a peach fresh from the tree in Georgia, or lobster in Maine, tasting wine in Florida brings that X-factor of tasting something at its source.

You could book yourself on tour, where you’re one of many, and take a potluck on who your tour mates are. Chances are, your itinerary will be limited and not bespoke. What if you’re partial to fruity Schnebly, yet the tour doesn’t go there?

You could self-drive, but who’s drawing the short straw as a designated driver? Wine tasting tours are fun and games until you come home in trouble. Limo wine tours are the solution.

Florida Wine Tours – The What and The Why

First up, wine tours are for everyone – well, all adults! Whether you’re friends celebrating a significant birthday, bachelorettes, or bachelors looking for a pre-wedding party with a difference, or a team of colleagues, wine tours are fantastic fun. A limo wine tour is for you, even if you’re a couple looking for a romantic anniversary idea or a date night to remember.

Our top picks for South Florida limo wine tours include:

  • Schnebly Redland’s Winery because how can you not want to try fruit wines when the fruits used have mangoes, lychees, passionfruit, guava, and carambola. Add in their alchemic use of herbs and spices, and your palate is going on a beautiful ride.
  • Endless Summer Vineyard and Winery because mixing Floridian wines with surfing memorabilia and a white sand beach with local turtles creates an experience that you’ll never, ever forget.
  • Hen scratch Farms Vineyard and Winery because these guys are famous, they have a host of awards, and they let you take part in the annual grape stomp in early order. You can even stomp your grapes and have your label attached ready for Thanksgiving.
  • Florida Orange Groves Winery because this winery takes the Florida citrus fruit heritage and bursts it into wine production. There are a staggering 43 different wines to taste: that’s a lot of wine!
  • That Wine Place because although it’s not a vineyard, you’ll be jostling for all the gourmet delights and over 400 different wines available to buy. But don’t let that fool you – this is a shop with a difference. You can try a wine before you buy it!

Limo Wine Tours – You Set the Agenda

With a limo wine tour, you set the wineries and the schedule. Therefore, if you decide that actually, one particular wine is so delightful that you want to stay for lunch, you do so. Limo wine tours are inherently more relaxing as a result. Don’t worry if you don’t know which vineyards and wineries you want to visit – we’ve got you covered. Whether you have two hours to spend or ten, your tour is created for you.

You also don’t need to worry about transportation to and from the start point of a tour. The beauty of a limo wine tour is door-to-door service and a venue coming alongside your time. Relax in luxury style as you take in the scenery around the vineyards. What’s more, the beverages aren’t limited to the winery itself. You can enjoy your favorites from the onboard bar with a limo wine tour.

With a limo wine tour, you set the guests—no compromising or having your time taken over by a self-styled wine buff that isn’t you.

Lastly, there are no worries about drinking too much. You set the pace and the plan, and we take your security seriously. We deliver you home having had an exceptional experience – a limo wine tour in style.

So what are you waiting for? Call today to discuss your bespoke limo wine tour on 9 5 4 – 326-88 – 11.


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